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Catching Catfish (and Everything You'll Need)

If you haven't fished for catfish yet, we'd implore you to give it a try. Not only is catfish season any season, but they're seemingly always eager to take the bait and you can catch them from the shore just as well as you can from a boat in the open water. They're also a fun fish to reel in because they often put up a nice fight, and they taste great for a meal to boot. 

Do Fishing Attractants Work?

There’s no better way to spend your time than heading off for a day of fishing. Whether you're out on the water in your boat or sitting on the bank beside a lake or pond, fishing is a great way to relax. However, there’s no greater disappointment than to come home without so much as a bite to show for. Since your goal is to catch a few fish along the way, it's best if you do all you can to make this happen. As more and more anglers are finding out, using fishing attractants can greatly increase the odds of a successful day of fishing.

Why Baitcloud Is The Best Fish Attractant For Walleye

The walleye, also called the yellow pike, is a freshwater fish native to the northeastern United States and most of Canada. It’s also known as a pickerel in some parts of Canada, although it isn’t a true pickerel. The walleye is a game fish that relies on both sight and scent to locate and catch its prey. 