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Bass Fishing Tips For Beginners

This is a special blog post from our wonderful friends at Tackle Village.

 Bass are America's most popular freshwater sport fish and a national institution when it comes to fishing. There are bass fishing tournaments, bass fishing shops and websites devoted to bass fishing - so we thought we'd get fishing guide and resident expert Shawn Chapin to explain its appeal and provide some bass fishing tips by answering these 11 bass fishing questions below.

Quick Tips for Successful Fall Fishing

If you are thinking about planning a trip to the water this fall, don’t be discouraged by the common misconceptions that fish activity drops. Many anglers who struggle to snag fish as the temps drop are really just having trouble about how fish behaviour changes.

Fall Fishing Tips For Bass

Though fall tends to be the time of the year when fishermen take their boats out of the water, it's also a great time to angle some bass. So regardless of when you take your boat out of the water for the season, we'd strongly suggest keeping some tackle handy. Yes, fall tends to be a great time of the year to catch bass. 