How to Decide the Best Time to Go Fishing

Whenever you can pull out a BaitCloud Attractant and get your line wet, it sure is a great day all around, but the old age question still remains with a lot of anglers - ”When is the best time to go fishing?”
Everyone who has cast their line more than a handful of times know there is nothing worse than packing up your fishing gear just to sit there twiddling their thumbs. Fish are influenced by a number of factors, and understanding them will help make your fishing experience a lot more successful and fun. Consider the below factors the next time you plan a fishing trip.
Fish are very similar to humans (you don’t say!). Much like most of us, they prefer the early morning and evening sun too, as opposed to the intensity of the mid-day sun. This is because the morning sun warms the shallow water and creates the optimum temperature that’s softer for fish to maneuver and jump around as they feed. This makes for the perfect time to cast your net or line. Late morning is even better, since there is more time for the water to be heated up. Warm water temperatures usually make bait fish more active and available to the game fish on cool early spring days.
Fish tend to move to cooler, deeper waters to stay more comfortable when the sun gets too bright and hot. So, the next time you want to practice shallow and top water lures, we strongly recommend early mornings and late afternoons. You will see the fish cruise to the shallows for food because the temperature is cooler, and the lights are lower during these times.
Did you know that fish like to hang around near the water surface on a full-moon night? Know why? It is simple. They like to feed when there is light, creating the ability to attract food. Even though the moon fluctuates on a regular basis, it is imperative to remember that the most suitable period for fishing is between dawn and dusk. When you are aware of a moon set, try fishing during the rise and set of the moon.
Just like every species in this world, fish also have behavioral patterns that are affected by seasons. As a result, they come out in greater numbers during particular periods of the year. Have you gone fishing in spring and come up empty handed a lot of times? This is because the water isn’t warm enough. Try waiting until late spring when things get warmer and watch the magic unfold. Early morning right before sunup to mid-mornings are great times when the heat of the summer begins, while mid-day sun is no good since it’s too hot; waiting until late afternoon or sundown will hold a better chance. If you are trying to fish in the fall, mid-morning is your best bet since there is enough time time for the water to heat up. It is best practice to stick to shallow water by mid-day due to the water warming up. Afternoon to mid-evening is the best time to fish in the fall because the sun has warmed the water all day and the fish are ready to eat (keep those BaitCloud Attractant handy). Fish tend to put on a little extra fat in the fall so they can prepare for a long winter, so fall is always a great time to fish.
Should you or should you not fish on a windy day? The pattern and strength of wind can definitely affect the success of your fishing trip. With wind pushing water and surface fish foods to the shore, bait fish tends to follow behind. So the next time you are out fishing on a windy day from the shore, make sure you cast into the wind and let nature move your lure with the surface food and fish.
Rising and falling tides can affect fish activities and behavior to a large extent. Fish tend to move with the flow of the tides, giving them access to new food sources. Try fishing an hour before and after high tides, and an hour before and after low tides. Analyze and stay observant of the way tides are moving, you may end up catching a PB like you’ve never seen before.
A cloudy day doesn’t necessarily mean that the fish are not biting. If anything, cloudy days can work in your favor because they prevent direct light penetration. Since cloudy days tend to make fish search more vigorously for food, they are likely to be more active on these days as opposed to bright days. This results in fish staying less hidden at specific structured areas and more scattered all through the water. Try it out sometime!
If you understand nuances of when to fish and what affects fish behaviors, it will greatly increase the odds of you catching a lot of fish. Even better chances with your favorite fish attractant. So, the next time you decide to gear up and go fishing, consider these pointers above and your personal best will be waiting for you. Tight lines!